What is the Scottish Rite?
What is the Scottish Rite?
The Scottish Rite, often referred to as 32° Freemasonry, is an appendant body of Freemasonry a Master Mason may join to journey deeper into the teachings of the craft.
Our Vision
We will strive to be a fraternity that fulfills our Masonic obligation to care for our members. 32° Freemasonry seeks to strengthen the community and believes that each man should act in civil life according to his individual judgment and the dictates of his conscience.
Our Values 32° Scottish Rite Masonry expands upon the fundamental principles of Freemasonry, exploring Masonic teachings more deeply. Building upon the ethical and philosophical teachings of the blue lodge, Scottish Rite reveals a wealth of knowledge about Masonry not found in the other degrees. It seeks to enrich the philosophy of the Symbolic Lodge in order to help good men become even better.
A member of the Scottish Rite seeks to:
Aid mankind’s search for identity and destiny in God’s universe
Produce wiser men in a wiser world, happier men in a happier world, and therefore better men in a better world
Promote the dignity of every person and humanity in all activities
Our core values are:
Reverence for God
Devotion to Country
Scottish Rite
32nd Degree Masons
The Valley of Danville is a brotherhood of Master Masons seeking to improve ourselves, our communities and all of humankind. The bonds of brotherhood serve to strengthen each other and the greater world. Through a series of degrees (4th-32nd), our lessons are presented in an allegorical manner that has as a goal to impart upon the brethren a moral lesson they can use in their everyday lives. Membership is open to all Master Masons who are members of a regularly recognized blue lodge.
Watch this website or our Facebook page for information on the many fellowship and degree opportunities offered at various locations throughout the year.
In addition to these opportunities, the Valley also holds two reunions a year, usually in the Spring and Fall. These reunions are held at the Masonic Center in Danville or at other locations equipped with theater or auditorium facilities to enable us to portray the Scottish Rite Degrees with full staging, lighting, costuming, and pageantry.
If you are interested in joining Scottish Rite and are already a member of a Blue Lodge then you may download and print a petition here: Petition.
If you are interested in joining Scottish Rite and are NOT yet a member of a Blue Lodge then please visit the Grand Lodge of Illinois.
If you have questions or need information, call us at 217-446-7620 or email execsec@aasrdanville.org Honor.
32° Scottish Rite Freemasonry is a fraternity of Brothers committed to going deeper into the highest principles, teachings, and ideals of the Masonic craft. It is open to all Master Masons looking to continue the journey of self-discovery and finding a deeper sense of purpose.
As Freemasons, we believe in something greater than ourselves, and strive to be good men who want to be better.
Become the best version of you.
Answer the call.
32° Freemasonry.
Not Just a Man. A Mason.
square and compass
Call us at 217-446-7620 or email execsec@aasrdanville.org for more information. Click here for a Petition for Degrees.